Oxygen Pack - Thumbs 2

Here's my iterations on nr. 3 of the previous thumbnail sheet.
I'm not sure wich one I'll be working out in 3D or if I'll do some more iterations.

Oxygen Pack - Thumbs

A couple of thumbnails for an oxygen pack I would like to make in 3D as an excercise.
Since my 3D-skills need some real practicing and polishing!
I'm probably going for nr. 2, 3 or 4 to start iterating on.


A painting to start off my holiday in fun!
Really enjoyed doin this one and I'm really happy with the result!
It's fully done in Corel Painter X3 and took me an afternoon to make.

Character design

Here is the result of my first character design assignment.
Really had alot of fun with it!

Skull sketch

After my first 3 hours of skull drawing with charcoal today at school, I just had to draw one befor I go to bed. It's not correct or super good looking, but I'm surprised it came out like that.

This is again done in Corel Painter X3 and I only used the Real 6B Soft Pencil for this one.

Inktober - Day 10

 Day 10 of Inktober! Also the birthday of one of my best friends!
Sorry for the quality, no scanner again.
Had real fun with this one! He was drawn pretty quick and felt more natural/organic
then  I had expected.

Inktober - Day 9

No great photo, but I had no scanner available today.
This one went quick and was really fun to draw! Probably a bit weird,
but I like it :) 

Inktober - Day 8

A new day of Inktober, the 8th to be exactly. 
I'm much more happy with the result of today! Probably because
I used my marker first, as I said yesterday. It really helped me loosen up more.

Inktober - Day 7

7th day of Inktober! 
I'm not really happy with the last couple of sketches. Next time I think I'll be using a marker first, so I'll be able to really first think about what I'll be drawing.
For the mean time, here's the 7th :)

Inktober - Day - 6

Day 6 of Inktober, I made a sketch, but it's probably not one of my better sketches :P
I've just started learning anatomy and the human figure, so I figured I'd give it a try.

Inktober - Day 3 - 4 - 5

Didn't have acces to a scanner in the last few days, but I did continue!
So here are they! 
Nothing special, just fun to draw.

Inktober - Day 2

Second day of Inktober!
Nothing really great, but I made a sketch and enjoyed it! 

Again the link to the one who started this event:

InkTober - Day 1

A couple of weeks ago I found this even called InkTober, by Mr Jake Parker.
It's basically pushing you to make an ink drawing every day of October and post it online.
Here's my first drawing of the series and wish me luck to get through this!

If you want some more info you can find it here at Mr Jake Parker's page: http://mrjakeparker.com/inktober